I'm FINALLY finished!! Whew it was a hard one for me to get through! I have definitely hit the 'Jessica Darling' wall. The first two books were completely awesome, the third one was just ok, and this fourth one?? I would like nothing better than to line my trash bin with it (but its a library book, so I can't)... wait THANK GOD it's a library book and I didn't spend money on this!!!
Ok now that that's out, here's what I really thought about the book-
When Jessica was in high school, it made sense that she would look down on people.... I mean she was in High School surrounded by typical high school small-town types. Everyone thinks bad things about those kinds of people from time to time. When she was in Pineville, I thought she was cool because she had perspective that most high school kids don't have... that being "it's just high school, most of this crap doesn't matter". But Now? This girl is in her 20's, in the biggest city in America and yet she walks around thinking she's so much smarter than everyone. She has to go on and on and analyze every word a person says, every thread of clothing that they put on their bodies. It's SO ANNOYING. I know she's not real but Jessica if you're out there, I just want to tell you: You Suck! She is constantly eavesdropping on people and judging every word they say. And then analyzing what they said and how it reflects on society as a whole.... I know she's a psych major, but give me a break!
I didn't like the whole writing to Marcus thing... especially when it was perfectly clear from the beginning that she was going to say no. She took a week to "think about it" and not once did she think about Marcus and their relationship: the good times, the fights, etc. All she thought about was herself in the here and now... I have no idea what a guy would get out of a week long walk-through in her boring and pretentious life, but there it was. And at the end all she realized was that she didn't know who Marcus really was.
PS- If I have to hear the same effing recaps for every situation/person in the next book (yes I will probably push through and read the last book even though I don't really want to) I will break something. Example: "Paul Parlipiano, my high school crush-to-end-all-crushes, my former obsessive object of horniness and gay man of my dreams." (Do we need that every single freaking time he's brought up?!).
Sorry for the rant, but with the first 2 books being so good, I didn't feel it was fair to the audience to make Jessica so unlikable.
Add it to your To-Read List (at your own risk lol)
My Rating:
How I got this book: Library
Date Published: 8/7/2007
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