Thursday, January 30, 2014

Reviewers' Roundtable- Showcasing Other Blogs

The Reviewers' Roundtable is a weekly discussion feature hosted by me and Emily from Read Your Bookcase.  Each week we discuss a different bookish/blogging topic and hope you guys will share your thoughts too! 

Go HERE to find a list of past/future topics.


Showcasing other blogs.  3 book blogs (or other types of blogs) that you really like and what is it about them that is special?

I'm obviously a blogger, therefor I'm into blogs.  And not just mine.  I read A LOT of blogs.  I'm always on the lookout for my next blogging BFF, a blog full of creative ideas, or just a person that shares the same reading interests as me.  I also like to look at some non-bookish blogs.  Mostly ones about fashion or make-up.  Here are 3 I'd like to share:

  • I love how original and creative this blog is.  It's done by a girl named Margot Wood and she combines 2 of my favorite things ever:  YA Books and Photography!!
  • She takes A+ photo recreations for different YA titles and I'm always impressed by her interpretation.  Sometimes they look a lot like the book covers and sometimes they are more inspired by the story in the book.  Either way I just love it!!
  • Some titles she's Fauxto-ed:  Code Name Verity, Another Little Piece (creepy), and my fav Anna and the French Kiss.

Blue Sky Bookshelf

  • This is a really fun blog that I stumbled on in the past year.  The girl who does it is named Summer (she used to go by Sunny, but that was just a pseudoname) and she's super witty and funny.
  • She reads all types of YA books which I appreciate since I've been a contemporary girl since forever.  It's nice to see what else is out there even if I'm not reading it!!  She uses a lot of cute gifs that make me laugh.  Her discussions are always really unique and fun.
  • You should check out this recent post: 10 Steps of Fangirling.  Pretty darn cute!!  

  • Lastly: A newbie!!  Pivot Book Reviews is a blog that was just started at the beginning of the year by a girl named Becca.  She seems really fun and cool and I really like her blog already.
  • And can I also say that I'm super impressed with this girl also??  I mean she's been blogging about a month and she has tons of ideas that she's already put  into motion AND she gets tons of comments on everything she does!!  I've been at this almost 2 years (wow!!) now and I'm definitely not getting the traffic this girl is.  Good for her!!  
  • Check out her intro post, I found it very sweet and endearing :)

So those were the 3 blogs I wanted to feature this week.  I visit a ton of blogs and it was hard to just pick 3.  But I wanted to feature ones that I haven't talked about on here before and also ones that maybe EVERYONE and their mother doesn't know about (like Xpresso Reads, The Perpetual Page Turner, Book Rock Betty, Candace's Book Blog, and Pure Imagination... all of which I freaking love too!!)

What blogs are you into??  Any new ones I should know about?  Do you visit any of the ones I talked about (if not you totally should!!)??


  1. I know people say "this made my day" a lot, but really, this completed it and it's only 9:45 in the morning! Thanks so much for including me and spotlighting, I blushed :)

  2. Love Margot!! And it makes me so happy to see that Anna was your fave fauxto. I mean, I'm not biased or anything, but that MODEL..she's a pretty cool chick :P

    I also just found Bekka's blog recently and I LOVE the Cover Puppies! SO CUUUUUTE! Also love Summer! Love chatting with her on Twitter!

    And thanks for mentioning my blog <33

    1. That was a good model Margot found for that Anna picture wasn't it???? LOL I really liked how she captured so much personality in that fauxto. And I love Cover Puppies too... that girl is so creative!

    2. aw shucks guys! :) Thanks! I really liked Margot's fauxtos too! Especially yours Jamie! Such a cute picture! I bet it was fun!

  3. Wow, I was mentioned! Thank you! I like that you showcased some blogs that maybe not everyone knows about. I follow Pivot Books on instagram, but I'm not sure I've read her blog so I'll have to check it out. Some blogs I read daily (mostly daily anyway) are Supernatural Snark, Books With Bite, Books and Things, The Nocturnal Library, Shooting Stars Mag, Rainy Day Ramblings, Bookswarm, Books in the Spotlight, YA Midnight Reads, and many more that I'm not thinking of off the top of my head.

    1. I like some of those blogs you mentioned there too. Books with Bite, Rainy Day Ramblings, Books and Things... the other ones I'm going to go check out now :)

  4. AW! Michelle! THANK YOU! You have no idea how insanely awesome I feel right now being featured on your blog today!! I try to come up with unique stuff to bring more people to my blog, and somehow it's just happened, and I'm so thankful to have been able to get the traffic that I already do. I admit it is very hard work and very time consuming, but I absolutely adore blogging and meeting all the new people that I have so far!! You seriously made my week by mentioning me today, Michelle. Like I'm blushing bc I'm so flattered! So thank you again! I feel like I've said that a lot already, but it's just because I'm really excited!!

    xo, Becca

    PS Hope you are having a fabulous week!! :D

    1. You are so welcome sweetie!! Congrats on all the good things happening on your blog in such a short period of time. I'm super happy for you!

  5. You are so welcome!! Love your stuff :)

  6. This is such a cool feature! I love Pivot Book Reviews and Blue Sky Bookshelf. I just looked at The Real Fauxtographer's blog, too, and it's great :)

  7. It makes me ridiculously happy to see you feature Blue Sky Bookshelf because I've been friends with Summer for a while, and she and her blog are both awesome. Margot's pictures are always so creative - it makes my day when she posts a new one. This is such a sweet feature! <3

  8. This is such a cool feature! I've heard of The Real Fauxtographer but I haven't really visited her blog. I'm definitely going to go check these out now. :P
